Name of the Scheme – National Livestock Mission
Department – Animal Husbandry and Veterinary
Scheme for : Individual and Institutions
Where to Apply : District headquarter and Directorate office
When to Apply : Any time of the year
The Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying, Government of India is implementing the scheme of National Livestock Mission since the financial year 2014-15. In view of the present need of the sector the NLM scheme has been revised and realigned from F/Y 2021-22. The revised scheme of National Livestock Mission (NLM) aims towards employment generation, entrepreneurship development, increase in per animal productivity and thus targeting increased production of meat, goat milk, egg and wool under the umbrella scheme Development Programme. The excess production will help in the export earnings after meeting the domestic demands. The concept of NLM Scheme is to develop the entrepreneur in order to create the forward and backward linkage for the produce available at the unorganized sector and to link with the organized sector.
Mission Objectives
The NLM intends to achieve the following objectives:
1. Employment generation through entrepreneurship development in small ruminant, poultry and piggery sector & Fodder sector
2. Increase of per animal productivity through breed improvement
3. Increase in production of meat, egg, goat milk, wool and fodder.
4. Increasing availability of fodder and feed to substantially reduce the demand – through strengthening the fodder seed supply chain and availability of certified fodder seeds
5. Encouraging establishment of fodder processing units to reduce the demand supply gap
6. Promoting risk management measures including livestock insurance for farmers
7. Promoting applied research in prioritized areas of poultry, sheep, goat, feed and fodder
8. Capacity building of state functionaries and livestock owners through strengthened extension machinery to provide quality extension service to farmers.
9. Promoting skill based training and dissemination of technologies for reducing cost of production, and improving production of livestock sector
Mission Design
The realigned National Livestock Mission will have following three Sub-Missions:
(a) Sub-mission on Breed Development of Livestock and Poultry
Sub-mission on Breed Development of Livestock and Poultry: proposes to bring sharp focus on entrepreneurship development and breed improvement in poultry, sheep, goat and piggery by providing the incentivization to the Individual, FPOs, FCOs JLGs, SHGs, Section 8 companies for entrepreneurship development and also to the State Government for breed improvement infrastructure.
(b) Sub-mission on Feed and Fodder Development
Sub-mission on Feed and Fodder Development: This Sub-Mission aims towards strengthening of fodder seed chain to improve availability of certified fodder seed required for fodder production and encouraging entrepreneurs for establishment of fodder Block/Hay Bailing/Silage Making Units through incentivisation.
(c) Sub Mission on Innovation and Extension
Sub-mission on Innovation and Extension: The sub-mission aims to incentivize the Institutes, Universities, Organizations carrying out research and development related to sheep, goat, pig and feed and fodder sector, extension activities, livestock insurance and innovation. Under this sub-mission, assistance will be provided to the central Agencies, ICAR Institutes and University farms for applied research required for development of the sector, extension services including promotional activities for animal husbandry and schemes, seminars, conferences, demonstration activities and other IEC activities for awareness generation. Assistance will also be provided for livestock insurance and innovations.
Eligibility Criteria for the Entrepreneurs/ Eligible Entities to avail benefit under NLM
The Entrepreneurs/ Eligible Entities shall be considered Eligible for availing benefit under the entrepreneurship programme if fulfils either of the following criteria:
● Entrepreneurs/ Eligible Entitieseither have obtained training or have trained experts or have sufficient experience in the relevant field in managing and running the project or have technical experts with sufficient experience in the relevant field of managing and running the project.
● The Entrepreneurs/ Eligible Entities have got the sanction loan for project by the bank or financial institutions furnished bank guarantee from scheduled bank along with appraisal of project for its validity by bank where it is holding the account.
● The Entrepreneurs/ Eligible Entities should have own land or lease land where the project will be established.
● The Entrepreneurs/ Eligible Entitieshave all the relevant documents for KYC
Sub-mission on Breed Development of Livestock and Poultry: under this submission the following activities will be undertaken:
Sl. No. | Name of the components | Establishment of Entrepreneurship for breed development of Rural Poultry. |
01 | Objective | i. Bringing unorganized rural poultry farming sector into organized sector ii. Promotion of entrepreneurship in the field of rural poultry in a sustainable manner iii. Establishment of forward and backward linkages iv. Popularizing the different alternative non- conventional low cost feeding |
02 | Salient features | The Entrepreneurship will be developed by inviting the individual, Self Help Group (SHG)/Framers Producer Organizations (FPO)/Farmers Cooperatives (FCOs)/Joint Liability Groups (JLGs) and Section 8 companies for establishment of Parent Farm, Rural Hatchery, brooder cum mother unit for Production of Hatching Eggs, and Chicks and rearing of the said chick upto four week in the mother unit. Emphasis will be given to those entrepreneurs who will be able to establish forward and backward linkage (Hub and Spoke). The Central Government will provide 50% capital subsidy for the cost of the project for establishment of Parent Farm, Rural hatchery and Mother Unit with minimum 1000 parent layers. The Entrepreneurs / Eligible Entities need to arrange the remaining amount through bank loan or from the financial institution or self-financing The bird maintained in the parent farm will be of Low Input Technology Birds or such kind of bird which will be sustained at the free range management system. Central Poultry Development Organizations, Central Avian Research Institutions, Directorate of Poultry Research and State Veterinary Universities and other private organizations with certificates of guaranteed production will be eligible to supply birds to the entrepreneurs. Necessary Technical specifications for birds will be issued separately. A list of Low input technology birds is at Annexure VI. Indicative list of components eligible for funding is at Annexure I |
03 | Eligible Entities | Individual/ SHGs/FPOs/FCOs/JLGs and Section 8 companies. |
04 | Funding pattern | One Time 50% capital subsidy of the total project cost will be provided with maximum subsidy up to Rs. 25 lakh for each unit. Subsidy will be the capital subsidy and provided in two equal instalments. First instalment will be released upfront to the scheduled bank or financial institutions like NCDC etc. by SIDBI to be credited to the Entrepreneur/ Eligible Entities’ account after the bank or financial institution releases First Instalment of loan to the beneficiary and its confirmation by State Implementing Agency. Beneficiaries will be eligible for release of the second instalment by SIDBI after completion of the project and certified so by the State Implementing Agency. In case of the self-financing project, the project needs to be appraised by the bank where the Entrepreneurs/ Eligible Entity have account. The first instalment of 50% subsidy will be provided into the lending bank by SIDBI where the beneficiary has account. The subsidy will be released only when the beneficiary has made expenditure of 25% cost for the project towards infrastructure and has been verified by the State Implementing Agency. Remaining amount of 50% subsidy will be provided by SIDBI after completion of the project and verified by State Implementing Agency. The Entrepreneurs / Eligible Entities interested in taking benefit under the entrepreneurship project in self- financing mode, need to provide Bank Guarantee from the scheduled bank valid for three years for the remaining cost of the project beyond the cost of subsidy sought for support. This Bank Guarantee shall be provided in the name of the Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying. The original Bank Guarantee is to be kept in the safe custody of the State Implementing Agency. Also a copy of the Bank Guarantee and a declaration form need to be uploaded in the online portal at the submission of the application or to be attached with the application. The Format of the Bank Guarantee and declaration has been annexed with the guidelines. No subsidy will be provided for working capital, personal vehicle, purchase of land, cost for rent and lease of land. |
05 | Implementing Authority | State Implementing Agency and DAHD of GOI |
06 | Essential requirements of beneficiaries to avail benefit under the submission. | Entrepreneurs / Eligible Entities shall also meet the criteria as specified at para 5.3 above. |
07 | Follow up of the project | State Implementing agency will follow up the project for the period of 2 years after completion with regards to its operation. |
Activity II: Establishment of Entrepreneur for breed development in small ruminant sector (sheep and goat farming):
Sl. No. | Name of the components | Establishment of Entrepreneur for breed development in small ruminant sector (sheep and goat farming) |
2. | Objectives | i. To develop entrepreneurs in small ruminant sector ii. To develop the sustainable business model on sheep-goat iii. To incentivize Individuals Entrepreneurs, FPOs, FCOs, SHGs, JLGs, and Section 8 companies for development of integrated rural sheep-goat production system. iv. Conversion of the small ruminant sector from unorganised sector to organised sector through promotion of entrepreneurship & investment and creation of forward & backward linkages v. Spreading awareness about scientific rearing practices, nutrition, disease prevention etc vi. Promotion of stall feeding model of sheep and goat rearing. |
3. | Salient Feature | 1. Creation of entrepreneurs through one-time capital subsidy to Individuals/ Self Help Group (SHG)/Framers Producer organizations (FPO)/Farmers Cooperatives (FCOs)/Joint Liability Groups (JLGs) and Section 8 companies. 3. The Entrepreneurs / Eligible Entities can establish sheep and goat breeding unit with minimum 500 females and 25 males. The sheep and goat unit to be established with the High Genetic Variety used for producing Goat milk, meet and fine wool quality. The breed of sheep and goat can be selected from the list provided with this guideline or in consultation with the State Government. 4. The Central Government will provide up to 50% back ended subsidy for the capital cost of the project. 5. The Entrepreneurs / Eligible Entities need to arrange the remaining amount through bank loan or from the financial institution or self-financing 6. Indicative list of components for which the funding for subsidy can be availed is at Annexure II. |
4. | Pattern of Assistance | 50% capital subsidy up to Rs. 50 lakh in two instalments.Subsidy will be the capital subsidy and provided in two equalinstalments. Subsidy will be the capital subsidy and provided in two equal instalments. First instalment will be released upfront to the scheduled bank or financial institutions like NCDC etc. by SIDBI to be credited to the Entrepreneur/ Eligible Entities’ account after the bank or financial institution releases First Instalment of loan to the beneficiary and its confirmation by State Implementing Agency. Beneficiaries will be eligible for release of the second instalment by SIDBI after completion of the project and certified so by the State Implementing Agency. In case of the self-financing project, the project needs to be appraised by the bank where the Entrepreneurs/ Eligible Entity have account. The first instalment of 50% subsidy will be provided into the lending bank by SIDBI where the beneficiary has account. The subsidy will be released only when the beneficiary has made expenditure of 25% cost for the project towards infrastructure and has been verified by the State Implementing Agency. Remaining amount of 50% subsidy will be provided by SIDBI after completion of the project and verified by State Implementing Agency. The Entrepreneurs / Eligible Entities interested in taking benefit under the entrepreneurship project in self-financing mode, need to provide Bank Guarantee from the scheduled bank valid for three years for the remaining cost of the project beyond the cost of subsidy sought for support. This Bank Guarantee shall be provided in the name of the Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying. The original Bank Guarantee is to be kept in the safe custody of the State Implementing Agency. Also a copy of the Bank Guarantee and a declaration form need to be uploaded in the online portal at the submission of the application or to be attached with the application. The Format of the Bank Guarantee and declaration has been annexed with the guidelines. No subsidy will be provided for working capital, personal vehicle, purchase of land, cost for rent and lease of land |
5. | Eligible Entities | FPOs/FCOs/SHG/JLG/Individuals/ Section 8 companies |
6. | Implementing Agencies | State Implementing Agency of State Animal Husbandry Department, DAHD, MoFAHD, GOI. |
7 | Essential requirements of beneficiaries to avail benefit under the submission. | Entrepreneurs/ Eligible Entities shall also meet the criteria as specified at para 5.3 above. |
8 | Follow up of the project | State Implementing agency will follow up the project for the period of 2 years after completion with regards to its operation. |
Activity III. Genetic Improvement of Sheep and Goat breeds
Following will be the activities under the Genetic Improvement of Sheep and Goat breeds.
(i) Establishment of Regional Semen Production Laboratory and Semen Bank for sheep and goat
(ii) Establishment of State Semen Bank
(iii) Propagation of Artificial Insemination through existing cattle and buffalo Artificial Insemination centres
(iv) Import of exotic sheep and goat germplasm
Promotion of Piggery Entrepreneur
Sl. No. | Name of the Activity | Promotion of Piggery Entrepreneur |
1 | Objectives | Promotion of entrepreneurship & investment and creation of forward & backward linkages in the sector improvement of per animal productivity of pig population of the country through genetic upgradation To substitute import dependency in pork and start export of pork and pork products Spreading awareness about scientific rearing practices, nutrition, disease prevention etc. |
2 | Salient Feature | Creation of entrepreneurs through one-time capital subsidy to Individual/ Self Help Group (SHG)/Framers Producer organizations (FPO)/Farmers Cooperatives (FCOs)/Joint Liability Groups (JLGs) and Section 8 companies. The entrepreneur will be provided assistance from the establishment of a breeder farm with minimum 100 sow and 25 boars breeding animals from the Central or State Government/ university farms or local farmers with high genetic merit. The Central Government will provide 50% up to Rs. 30 lakh capital subsidy towards the capital cost of the project. The funding will be provided for the cost of housing, breeding animals along with transportation & insurance cost, equipment /machines. The Entrepreneurs / Eligible Entities need to arrange the remaining amount through bank loan or loan from the financial institution or self-financing No subsidy will be provided for purchase of land, rent and lease cost for land, working capital, personal vehicle. |
3 | Pattern of Assistance | One time 50% capital subsidy of the total project cost will be provided with a maximum subsidy up to Rs. 30 lakh for each unit subject to the scheme guidelines. Subsidy will be the capital subsidy and provided in two equal instalments. First instalment will be released upfront to the scheduled bank or financial institutions like NCDC etc. by SIDBI to be credited to the Entrepreneur/ Eligible Entities’ account after the bank or financial institution releases First Instalment of loan to the beneficiary and its confirmation by State Implementing Agency. Beneficiaries will be eligible for release of the second instalment by SIDBI after completion of the project and certified so by the State Implementing Agency. In case of the self-financing project, the project needs to be appraised by the bank where the Entrepreneurs/ Eligible Entity have account. The first instalment of 50% subsidy will be provided into the lending bank by SIDBI where the beneficiary has account. The subsidy will be released only when the beneficiary has made expenditure of 25% cost for the project towards infrastructure and has been verified by the State Implementing Agency. Remaining amount of 50% subsidy will be provided y SIDBI after completion of the project and verified by State Implementing Agency. The Entrepreneurs / Eligible Entities interested in taking benefit under the entrepreneurship project in self-financing mode, need to provide Bank Guarantee from the scheduled bank valid for three years for the remaining cost of the project beyond the cost of subsidy sought for support. This Bank Guarantee shall be provided in the name of the Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying. The original Bank Guarantee is to be kept in the safe custody of the State Implementing Agency. Also a copy of the Bank Guarantee and a declaration form need to be uploaded in the online portal at the submission of the application or to be attached with the application. The Format of the Bank Guarantee and declaration has been annexed with the guidelines. No subsidy will be provided for working capital, personal vehicle, purchase of land, cost for rent and lease of land Indicative list of equipment eligible for funding is at Annexure III. |
4 | Eligible Entities | FPOs/SHG/ FCOs/JLG/section 8 companies/ Individual |
5 | Implementing Agencies | State Implementing Agency of the State Animal Husbandry Department, MoFAHD, GOI. |
6 | Essential requirements of beneficiaries to avail benefit under the submission. | Entrepreneurs shall also meet the criteria as specified at para 5.3 above. |
7 | Follow up of the activity |
Sub-Mission on feed and fodder development
The sub-mission of the feed and fodder will have the following activities:
Activity (i): Assistance for quality Fodder seed production
Activity (ii): Entrepreneurial activities in feed and fodder
Activity I: Assistance for quality Fodder seed production
Sl. No. | Name of the activity | Assistance for quality Fodder seed production |
1. | Objectives | i. Establishing effective seed production chain ii. Capacity building of state functionaries and livestock owners in forage production, conservation and utilization iii. Establishing convergence and synergy among ongoing Plan programmes and stakeholders for fodder resource development. |
2. | Salient Feature | ● Under this activity, fodder seed chain i.e. breeder, foundation and certified quality fodder seed production will be incentivized. ● This component targeted towards multiplication of seeds of high yielding fodder varieties which has been developed through research and innovations, significantly showing better performance, for which incentives will be provided. |
3. | Pattern of Assistance | ● 100% incentivization for production of all categories of fodder seed production by ICAR, National Seed Corporation (NSC), Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative (IFFCO), Krshak Bharati Cooperative Limited (KRIBHCO), National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation(NAFED) and Central Agencies as well as State Agriculture Universities (SAU), Hindustan Insecticides Limited (HIL), State Government seed production corporations, public and private organizations, dairy cooperatives and milk federations and other organizations with good credibility. ● The seed production incentives will be given to central seed agencies like National Seed Corporation (NSC), ICAR, IFFC, KRIBHCO, NAFED, HIL, NDDB etc directly and to the State Implementing Agency for the applications received from the State seed producing agencies. However, the assistance for Dairy Cooperatives and Milk Federations will be routed through NDDB. ● The assistance will be provided in two instalments on the basis of per kg cost of seed. The first instalment will be provided after approval of viable proposal. The second instalment will be provided after production of seed and its self-certification by concerned beneficiary agency. ● Cost which will be assisted for productions of various category of seeds are as under: ● Breeder Seedup to Rs.250/kg ● Foundation Seed up to Rs.150 /Kg ● Certified Seed up to Rs. 100/Kg ● When farmers are engaged by the seed producing agencies in the Fodder seed production activity, 75% of the subsidy to be passed on to the farmers and 25%should be kept by the seed producing agency to meet expenditure including certification cost. |
4. | Eligible Entity | ● ICAR institutions/NSC/ NAFED/KRIBHCO/IFFCO/Central Multi-State Cooperatives such as NCCF/ Hindustan Insecticides Limited (HIL), NDDB, Dairy Cooperatives, Milk Federations or other agency approved by the National Livestock Mission as central nodal agency at national level, based on the approved Plan for these agencies at Central level. ● State Government seed production corporations, public and private organizations and other organizations with good credibility. |
5. | Application form | ● The agency will apply filling the details in the application at Appendix II for seeking assistance. The Eligible Entity shall also submit the final production of seed when seeking the second assistance. |
6. | Follow-ups of the activity | ● The agency will send the report as per format prescribed in Appendix- III |
Activity II: Entrepreneurship activities in feed and fodder Objective of the Mission:
i. Development of Entrepreneurship in the field of Feed and fodder.
ii. Promoting, developing and disseminating forage technologies through frontline technology demonstrations.
iii. To make available quality fodder with affordable price at the local level.
iv. To encourage the fodder production by the local farmers for supplying to these entrepreneurs. Thus use the fodder as a cash crop.
Details of the Activity are as under: Entrepreneurial activities in feed and fodder
Sl. No. | Name of the activity | Entrepreneurial activities in feed and fodder |
1. | Salient Feature | The private entrepreneurs, SHG, FCOs JLG, FPOs, Dairy Cooperative societies, section 8 companies will be incentivized for the value addition such as Hay/Silage/Total Mixed Ration(TMR)/ Fodder Block and storage of fodder by providing 50% percent capital subsidy towards project cost to the beneficiary for Infrastructure development related to hay/silage at village level/ Fodder blocks making units for procuring machinery like bailer, block making machines, TMR machines/equipment, Forage harvester /reaper, Heavy duty Power operated Chaff cutters and any other PHT equipment as per the requirement/need. The Entrepreneurs / Eligible Entities need to arrange the remaining amount through bank loan or from the financial institution like NCDC or self-finance. The Eligible Entities may also avail benefit under Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development Fund (AHIDF) for funding of the remaining amount of the project as per the scheme guidelines. Indicative list of eligible equipment for funding is at Annexure IV |
2. | Pattern of Assistance | 50% of the total project cost with subsidy up to Rs. 50 lakh will be provided to the beneficiaries through State Implementing Agencies in two equal instalments as per scheme guidelines. Subsidy will be the capital subsidy and provided in two equal instalments. First instalment will be released upfront to the scheduled bank or financial institutions like NCDC etc. by SIDBI to be credited to the Entrepreneur/ Eligible Entities’ account after the bank or financial institution releases First Instalment of loan to the beneficiary and its confirmation by State Implementing Agency. Beneficiaries will be eligible for release of the second instalment by SIDBI after completion of the project and certified so by the State Implementing Agency. In case of the self-financing project, the project needs to be appraised by the bank where the Entrepreneurs/ Eligible Entity have account. The first instalment of 50% subsidy will be provided into the lending bank by SIDBI where the beneficiary has account. The subsidy will be released only when the beneficiary has made expenditure of 25% cost for the project towards infrastructure and has been verified by the State Implementing Agency. Remaining amount of 50% subsidy will be provided by SIDBI after completion of the project and verified by State Implementing Agency. The Entrepreneurs / Eligible Entities interested in taking benefit under the entrepreneurship project in self-financing mode, need to provide Bank Guarantee from the scheduled bank valid for three years for the remaining cost of the project beyond the cost of subsidy sought for support. This Bank Guarantee shall be provided in the name of the Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying. The original Bank Guarantee is to be kept in the safe custody of the State Implementing Agency. Also a copy of the Bank Guarantee and a declaration form need to be uploaded in the online portal at the submission of the application or to be attached with the application. The Format of the Bank Guarantee and declaration has been annexed with the guidelines No subsidy will be provided for working capital, purchase of personal car, land, leasing and hire of land and office accommodation. |
3. | Eligible Entity | Private entrepreneurs, SHG, FCOs, JLG, FPOs, Dairy Cooperative societies, section 8 companies |
4. | Implementing Agencies | i) DAHD, GoI ii) State Animal Husbandry Department iii) State Livestock Agencies/ State Livestock Boards |
5. | Eligibility criteria | Entrepreneurs shall also meet the criteria as specified at para 5.3 above |
6. | Follow up of the project | The State Implementing Agency will follow up the project up to 2 years after its implementation with regard to its operation. |